Retreat Details

We offer Ayahuasca and San Pedro Ceremonies with Dr. Valentin Hampejs, M.D. in General Medicine in Neurology and Psychiatry Shaman and researcher on Indian shamanism for the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador.

Healing and Self- Realization Retreats in Ecuador

We offer ceremonial Ayahuasca & San Pedro, the sacred power plants of the South American Andes- for the healing of depression, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis, degenerative illnesses, drug addiction and other disorders.

Allow me to familiarize you with the nature of our seminars. The history of shamanism throughout the millennia is already well established. Archaeological and ethnological investigations have verified it without any question. In comparison, modern scientific medicine is only a baby – a few centuries old – characterized by a game of always speedier and riskier new “advances” and the “latest knowledge” about the reality of life. How long can it last?

It is only common sense to realize that the ancestral wisdom of shamanic medicine does not need to justify itself in relation to the superiority claims of this scientific baby, since shamanic medicine is primarily defined by a deep and authentic respect for life. “Pure, rational science” cannot pretend to the same ethical level, as it keeps filling military arsenals with more gigantic means of nuclear, chemical, biological and high-tech killing. The threat of apocalyptic self-destruction of all humankind is unquestionably – apart from the obvious benefits of our scientific era – the main contribution of our natural sciences.

Unfortunately, countless men and women in our modern industrial societies have forgotten that they are children of our Mother Earth and that their true health and happiness are inextricably dependent on a life lived in harmony with the created powers of nature and the laws of the Great Almighty Creative Spirit that acts through her. The public health institutions of mainstream medicine are not very aware that this represents a basic prerequisite for the restoration of physical and spiritual health in everyone.

San Pedro and Ayahuasca Retreats in Quito EcuadorThe Shamanic Ecstasy of Consciousness

To begin with, the shamanic medicine approach to healing and teaching is a system of knowledge and practices based on altering the consciousness and perception of the therapist, and in some cases, of the patient too. In anthropological literature, this modification of consciousness and perception is technically referred to as the Shamanic Ecstasy of Consciousness.

Learn about the Andean power plants used to facilitate Shamanic consciousness here: Sacred Power Plants

Come With an Open Heart!

For participants who haven’t been initiated into the shamanic ecstasy of consciousness, these experiences are still strange and mysterious. Expert leadership is required for them to receive their healing benefits. Those who would like to discover the mystical phenomena of shamanic healing need to be willing, from the very begin- ning, to let go off attitudes of intellectual and scientific arrogance and to see themselves with open hearts as students who are learning in an entirely new way in order to access the life secrets that shamanic medicine can reveal.

Shamanic Ceremonies in Ecuador

A flight to the healing within!

Schedule for Retreats

It should be noted that the complete shamanic cure of Endogenous Depression, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis and other Degenerative illnesses – considered incurable by mainstream Western medicine – requires an absolute minimum of three weeks. The healing of Drug Addiction (and not only the transitory detoxification) requires a special program of four to six weeks.

Day 1 Arrival in Ecuador We will pick you up at Quito Airport and go together to your lodging facilities.

Day 2 Rest and Adjustment

Now we have a good opportunity to perceive consciously the vibrations of the surrounding nature. In the afternoon, we meet to share a brief introduction to the principles of action of shamanic medicine and of the sacred power plants of the American tradition.

Day 3 First Ceremony

We prepare for our first ceremony with a breakfast of herb tea and unsweetened fruit (B/S) juices. At the right time, we gather at the site for the ceremony. There, the nature and structure of the ceremony will be explained. Any other concerns will be answered.

Day 4+5 Rest and hikes

We use these days to relax and meditate on our experiences of the night. We can also take a pleasant hike through the beautiful surroundings. B/S

Day 6 Second Ceremony

Shamanic Fire Altar

Shamanic Fire Altar

Day 7+8 Rest and hikes

We will also rest, or perhaps decide to make a walk to the indigenous market of Otavalo. (B/S)

Day 9 Third Ceremony (Fast)

Day 10+11 Rest and hikes.

Again, these days will be useful to recuperate and integrate our experiences. B/S

Day 12 Fourth Ceremony

Day 13+14 Rest & hikes

(Fast) /S We will use these last two days again for rest, meditation and energetic integration of the experiences of our retreat.

Day 15 Fifth Ritual: “A Shamanic Power Walk” 



(Fast) Our penultimate ceremony is a shamanic power walk. Since we are now familiarized enough with the lessons and the psychosomatic experiences of the teacher plants, we can venture out into a daytime ceremony in the forest. The shamans of all cultures know, perceive and use the visible and invisible, cosmic, supracosmic, and earthly entities, the nature spirits (gods, demigods from various religious traditions, sun, thunder, fire and other elemental spirits, rainbow, mountains, springs, lakes, sea, trees, plants, animals, crystals and stones) for the healing of men. They look for power places where sources of energy are available for the purification, strengthening and healing of human beings. When we take this walk in the Andes Mountains in a state of shamanic ecstasy of consciousness, the healing energies of nature will lift us to a purified and strengthened vitality. We will experience psychically and physically how negative energies are removed and left behind and how purity, strength, clarity and vitality replace them.

“There, the spirit rises above the body and merges with the All; there I was pure and totally clear energy – and today I know that was the moment in which I was healed.” (Comment from an Austrian participant)

Day 16+17 Rest and hiking

Day 18 Sixth Ritual B/S (Fast)

Day 19 Rest, hiking & final Evaluation – Meeting

Familiar meeting with Valentin, any remaining questions or concerns can be answered. It is also the time to prepare mentally and practically for the return trip home. B/S

Day 20 Return Flight back home B

What to bring: Short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts, pants and shorts, a warm jacket for the nights during ceremonies, comfortable hiking-shoes, sandals, swimsuit, hat or cap, plastic raincoat, umbrella, sunglasses, flashlight, insect repellent, sunscreen, binoculars, camera with flash, MP3 or tape recorder, daypack.

Cancellations: If the cancellation is made at least 30 days before the start of the program, we will refund all payments.

A Suggestion: Since unforeseen circumstances can arise in so-called third world countries, we recommend that you purchase travel insurance